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  • Brief
  • Typical
    • Turbocharging Case

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           Turbocharging Case

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        Turbocharging cases are usually multi-face part made of aluminium with thin wall and complicated structure, roughness 0.4, strict bore accuracy requirement.
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        Model Recommend:

        Automatic Production Line
        NL251H horizontal lathe
        VNL502H vertical lathe
        VM903H vertical work center
        Basic requirement:
        1.high reliability and efficiency;
        2.coolant through spindle;
        3.hydraulic fixture;
        4.I/O interface prepare;
        5.fixture clean function;
        6.tool break test;
        7.spindle overload protection;
        8.oil mist collector;
        9.oil skimmer;
        • QQ截圖20181129191810.png
        working process
        OP10 lathe clamps on OD, turning OD and ID.
        OP20 processes OD,the other end and ID.
        OP30 positioning by the processed hole and side, processes holes on top and bottom side along with 4th axis rotation
        OP40 positioning by the processed hole and side, bores and mills along with spindle rotation
    • Automobile Steering Shaft

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           Steering Shaft

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        Tlong,thin shafts with strict accuracy and runout requirement
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        Models Recommended:

        Automatic Production Line
        NL201HG horizontal lathe
        VM903SL vertical work center
        Basic requirement:
        1.hydraulic pressure;
        2.high speed cutting;
        3.spring power lock;
        4.CNC-255 rotary table and hydraulic center tailstock
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        working process
        OP10:clamps on OD in the middle, positioning by end face, turns end face of lesser end, drills center bore.
        OP20:clamps on OD in the middle, positioning by end face, turns end face of bigger end, bevels spline bore.
        OP30:power lock clamps in bore, hydro tailstock presses workpiece, turns OD.
        OP40:mounts on 4th axis, power lock in bore, tailstock presses workpiece,mills slots and drills holes.
    • Aluminium Automobile Wheel Hub Spokes

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           Aluminium Automobile Wheel Hub Spokes

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        1.to reduce weight, the hubs are made by forgings, milled and cut to prevent deformatiion
        2.pattern profiles tolerance±0.02
        3.clear vein patterns
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        Model Recommend:

        VM903H vertical work center
        Basic requirements:
        1.12000 rpm direct connection spindle;
        2.circular spindle coolant;
        3.ball guideway, rapid traverse 36 meter/minute
        4.extended Y axis travel;
        5.high speed cut
        • QQ截圖20181126153940.png
        working process
        1.OP10:centered by the center bore and positioned on finished surface, oriented by valve, mill the spoke side surface of the aluminium alloy wheel hub.
    • Truck Retarder Case

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        Workpiece:Truck Retarder

        offset center,centrifugal, easy deformation, need more support cylinders.
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        Working Process ①

        Recommended:VNL803H Vertical Lathe
        Basic Requirement:
        1.hydro fixture; 2.HS cut,powerful spindle motor;
        3.coolant through spindle;
        5.tool measure
        6.woripiece measure
        • QQ截圖20181126173416.png
        OP10:vertical lathe hydro fixture - rough machine top side. a 32*32 circular tool cuts end face, depth 7mm,a dia.50mm borer cuts diameter by 5mm removing tolarence, a 80mm tool shangk with 25*25 counter borer makes rough hole dia 240, working time 11.56 minutes.


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        Workpiece:Truck Retarder

        offset center,centrifugal, easy deformation, need more support cylinders.
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        Working Process ②③④

        Recommended:VM1204S Vertical Work Center
        1.hydro fixture
        2.4th axis rotary table
        3.HS cutting, powerful spindle motor
        4.coolant through spindle
        5.waterproof requirement
        6.tool measure
        7.workpiece measure
        8.extended spindle by 200mm
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        OP20:vertical milling center fixture, position by φ300 hole that finished by OP10,orient by profile, make holes on top and bottom surfaces, number of tools 15, working time 12.16 minutes. OP30:vertical milling center fixture, based on surface finished by OP20,position by 2-φ10, make all holes on top surface and stots as well as all bottom holes. Working time: 12.04 minutes. OP40:vertical milling center fixture, based on surface finished by OP20,position by 2-φ10,machine 4 surfaces and all holes around, time consumption 12.23 minutes.


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        Workpiece:Truck retarder

        holes φ300 and φ299.5 φ301 φ120φ240 tolerance is H7
        D300 hole perpendiculars requirement 0.03mm
        coaxiality between 3D300 hole and D240 hole are required to be 0.03mm, made by 180°rotation of the rotary table.
        thin wall work piece that need to be made step by step in order to avoid deformation by caused by fixturing or processing.
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        Working Process ⑤

        Recommended:HM63TS Horizontal Work Center
        1.hydro fixture
        2.4th axis rotary table
        3.HS cutting, powerful spindle motor
        4.coolant through spindle
        5.waterproof requirement
        6.tool measure
        7.workpiece measure
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        OP50:Vertical milling center fixture,based on the surface that OP20 processed and positioned by the 2-φ10 holes, process other 2 surfaces and OP40 left holes; fine machines surface, fine bores φ300,φ299.5 φ301 φ120 and φ240. number of tools 40, working timme 12.16 minutes.
    • Front Axle

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        Front axis has many surfaces to process. difficult to turnover, heavy cutting work, high roughness requirement, perpendicularity 0.025, positioning 0.025. Indexing table rotates 3 times and finishes all job with 1 mount.
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        Model recommended:

        VM1506H Vertical Milling Center
        Basic requirement:
        1.high reliability and efficience;
        2.rational layout, good rigidity;
        3.easy chip and water removal;
        4.BT50 spindle, powerful spindle motor.
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        working process
        4th axis rotates 3 times and finish all job with one process.
    • Vehicle Knuckle

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        large cutting amount, long hole span, strict coaxial,finishing requirement, rigidity and chip removal function.
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        model recommended:

        VM1204H/VM1304H vertical work center
        1.special manual or hydro fixture
        2.rotary table
        3.HS cutting,powerful spindle motor
        4.coolant through spindle
        5.strict waterproof requirement
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        OP10 fixation: position by bottom surface, pin,angular
        positioning,press 2 points on top.
        OP20 fixation: position by bottom surface, pin,angular
        positioning,press 2 points on top.
    • Carburetor

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        TCarburetors are multi-side valve type parts, aluminium thin wall, complicated shape, accuracy requirement 0.4,strict bore accuracy.
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        Model Recommend:

        VM903S Vertical machine center
        Basic requirement:
        1. highly reliable and efficient
        2. coolant through spinddle 3. hydro fixture
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        OP10 4th axis and tailstock, process 4 sides with one mount, ¢26 bore tolerance reaches 0.01,roughness 0.1
        OP20 2 location pins, hold part with cylinder and process the other side.
    • Vehicle steering knuckle

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        quantity cut, long hole span, strict co-axial,finish, rigidity and bore chip removal requirement
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        Model Recommend:

        VM1204H/VM1304H vertical milling center
        basic requirement:
        1.special manual or hydro fixture
        2.4th axis rotary table
        3.high speed cut,powerful spindle motor
        4.coolant through spindle
        5.strict waterproof requirement
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        OP10 positioning by bottom side and pins, fixture holds part by two positions
        OP20 positioning by bottom side and pins, fixture holds part by two positions
    • Aluminium wheel hub

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        large diameter, thin wall, strict requirement for roughness, machine rigidity and cover seal.
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        Model Recommend:

        NL633HW vertical CNC lathe
        basic requiremtn:
        1.special manual or hydro fixture
        2.4th axis rotary table
        3.high speed cut,powerful spindle motor
        4.coolant through spindle
        5.strict waterproof requirement
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        model recomend:
        VM1103H vertical milling center
        OP10 positioning by bottom side and pins, fixture holds part by two positions
        OP20 positioning by bottom side and pins, fixture holds part by two positions
    • Connecting Rod

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        1. Strict accuracy requirement, hole tolerance grade 6, roundness and cylindricity 0.008,hole parallel 0.01
        2. 工件材料為C70S6 or ASTM 5140,hard and difficult to process
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        Model recommended:

        VM1103S Vertical Milling Center

        Basic requirement:
        1. Hydraulic fixture; accurate coolant through BT50 spindle

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