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Neway CNC Equipment Organizes Family Day


In July, Neway held an activity for excellent salesmen, which called Family Day. We have invited their families to participate in, which can make them learn about Neway's culture and enhance their sense of belonging. What’s more, it can also strengthen the communication between enterprises, employees and their families, which is conducive to promoting the employees' career and family harmony, and making the family a solid backing for the career development of salesmen.

With our colleagues’ humorous and interesting introduction, the family members not only have a deep understanding of Neway’s culture, group structure, company development, etc., but also know our working environment, production process and the product. The next day, we arranged for them to visit the surrounding attractions. The whole trip was easy and pleasant. During the trip, they have released the work pressure, which enhanced the cohesiveness between company and employees, reflecting the affinity of the company and motivating the employees to be more passionate to work.

After the activity, the family members praised the organization and arrangement of Neway, and expressed their gratitude to the organization department, hoping that Neway will hold more such activities in the future.

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